Crack alley

Crack alley: 5 комментариев

  1. Called ‘Window of Life’ – the YouTube stream allows users who donate $5 dollars to play a brief audio clip of whatever they choose which is then broadcast outside a window onto the crack alley. While many users chose to play snippets of bizarre music and other random sounds, numerous others hijacked the stream to racially abuse whoever.

  2. Crack Alley is in close proximity to important establishments in Las Vegas. These include UNLV, the Boulevard Mall, the Convention Center, Sunrise Hospital, and the Country Club. Most of these establishments have taken extra security precautions to ensure safety to locals who frequent these high-traffic places. Although Las Vegas and the police.

  3. Jun 07,  · An Austin man who set up a live streaming webcam/speaker outside his apartment that allows people who pay $5 dollars to broadcast audio onto a crack alley is now face “hate crime” allegations. The live streaming channel, called ‘Window of Life’, allows YouTube users to play 30 or 60 second clips to an audience primarily made up of.

  4. Nov 13,  · Crack bags and condom wrappers litter the alley, evidence of the nighttime trade in sex and drugs. Dealers stand in doorways even in the daytime, shamelessly looking for new Mark Donald.

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