Analog electronics lab manual doc

Analog electronics lab manual doc: 3 комментариев

  1. Analog Electronics Laboratory Manual - 10ESL37 Dept of ECE- GCEM Page 3 3. Observe the wave form on CRO across the load resistor and measure the o/p amplitude and frequency. 4. Note down R L, I DC, V ODC, Vinac, Voac in the tabular column for different load resistances. 5. Calculate the ripple and efficiency and regulation for each load resistance. 6.

  2. A LAB MANUAL ON ANALOG ELECTRONICS Subject Code: 06ESL37 (As per VTU Syllabus) PREPARED BY Staff members - Dept. of E&C Page 2 of CONTENTS EXPT. NO. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT PAGE NO. 01 Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier 01 02 Clamping circuits 10 03 Clipping circuits

  3. Analog Electronic Circuits Lab SSIT - 4 - General Procedure for Calculation: 1. Input impedance a. Connect a Decade Resistance Box (DRB) between input voltage source and the base of the transistor (series connection). b. Connect ac voltmeter (mV) across the biasing resistor R 2.

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