Counter strike source maps

Counter strike source maps: 3 комментариев

  1. CS:S +6 ↺5 Counter-Strike: Source; Baldi +9 ↺2 Baldi's Basics; CS +8 ↺1 Counter-Strike ; SB +5 ↺3 Sonic Boll; CS:GO +5 ↺1 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive; S3AIR +5 ↺1 Sonic 3 A.I.R; SSBU +6 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate; SWSH +3 ↺2 Pokemon Sword & Shield.

  2. Hi! We present to you our map “de_militarybase_gigifty” (bomb/defuse mission) for "Counter-Strike: Source". This map was made from scratch and represent a block-warhouse of a former Soviet military base with weapons, ammunition and IFV (infantry fighting vehicles).

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